13 July 2017
Dear Ms. O'Hara,

It's Jonathan Hansen writing from Cambridge to ask your permission to use your HANDWRITING THE CONSTITUTION idea for a seminar I'm hosting in a few weeks on the Declaration of Independence as part of the Warrior Scholar Project. In advance of the seminar, I plan to ask the participants to sit down with the document and write out as much of it by hand as they have time for. I'll then use the exercise as the basis of our discussion on the Declaration. OK with you? 

Thanks for your wonderful piece in the Times and your still more wonderful idea. 

Warm wishes, 
Jonathan M. Hansen
Senior Lecturer on Social Studies
Faculty Associate, David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies
Harvard University

Immersive one to two weeklong academic boot camps hosted at America's top universities during the summer breaks, which are designed to:

  • Facilitate the often difficult transition enlisted veterans face when moving from a military culture to the academic culture inherent on college campuses;
  • Demonstrate and explain the foundational skills and methods, or "tricks of the trade" that highly successful college students use;
  • Increase veteran graduation rates;
  • Prepare student-veterans to be leaders in the classroom.

 It's a good form of PREparation, as all who did the "assignment" had a lot to say.

11 July 2017

Dear Ms O'Hara,

I read the Times article about you and others copying out sections of the Constitution in the Rose Reading Room and immediately thought of my granddaughters, ages 7+10. Sophie and Emma are obsessed with 18th Century American history. They have memorized the Preamble, most of the score of Hamilton and go around quoting Thomas Paine "These are the times that try men's souls..." They are also avid readers, love the NYPL and are teaching themselves to write with a quill pen. The library gave me your contact info. Are you planning future "copy the Constitution" events in the future? I would love to take them to participate.

- Margaret Chen
